Saturday, November 20, 2010

Citizens Blindsided: Secret Corporate Money in the 2010 Elections and America’s New Shadow Democracy

People for the American Way have come through with a "case history" of what Hillary Clinton called 'that vast right wing conspiracy'. (click on title)

People giggled. Eyes rolled. TinFoil Hat became a buzz item.

But. It was true. And it still is.

The 'test tube babe' of Citizens United ~ birthed by seditionist Federalist Society members John Roberts and Samuel Alito along with their fascist Antonio Scalia ~ allows a deep and extremely dark look into the 'sausage making machine' that's now our number one export: "Perpetual Political Machine" + WAR = "PEACE" for the top 1% who own the 'machinery'.

Madonna was on the right track describing this Oligarchy-R-US in her video It's a great analogy of where WE stand as humans inside this very large and focused machine of UberMensch

So, we have seen the enemy... and it IS U.S. ~ and those parts of U.S. must be viewed as cancerous.

It eats itself. Literally. Their motto is 'dog eat dog'.

So, spread the information. This isn't 'left' or 'right' or 'conservative' or 'liberal'. This is literally THEM against the rest of U.S.

Corporations hold no 'residency'. Their 'culture' spans nations (and next planets if the future holds). And that 'culture' is very very insular and 'tight'.

In any other time they would be known as 'organized crime'. That seems quaint today.

It's more like a religion ~ funny that should come to mind... with C Street and "The Family" and Opus Dei quite prominent among them.

Change is inevitable; growth, optional.
"Business as Usual" is what this Oligarchy-R-US needs.

That stymies progress. How utterly un-American of a Way.

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

#1 Issa Instant

Thursday, July 29, 2010

IRI.ORG ~ Your Propaganda Tax Dollars at Work

In my research these last 10 years, nothing strikes me as so UN-American as the two US taxpayer funded 'non-profits' (International Republican Institute (IRI.ORG) and it's 'sister' Democratic DLC-affiliated Party group National Endowment for Democracy (NED.ORG)

To state that they are a 'shadow government' is an understatement. "When all else fails" ~these two ideological 'arms' manage to pull the fat out of the proverbial political fire, giving cover as needed clandestinely.

Time to shut this Cold War operation down. And fire John McCain.

"IRI is a nonpartisan group funded by the U.S. government, but the majority of its officials and employees are Republicans and its board includes such prominent members as Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), former Sen. Chuck Hagel, former National Security Advisor Brent Scowcroft and former Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger.

During the 2008 presidential campaign, the institute came under fire for providing a way for the McCain campaign to give donors access to the candidate. The New York Times reported: "Operating without the sort of limits placed on campaign fund-raising, the institute under Mr. McCain has solicited millions of dollars for its operations from some 560 defense contractors, lobbying firms, oil companies and other corporations, many with issues before Senate committees Mr. McCain was on." "

Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Pleasantville Posse vs Martin Luther King's Legacy

Let's just call them what they are - because when all the flags have been waved or draped and all the rhetoric parsed and pithed. It all comes down to this: 20th century white maleness meeting the 21st century reality via 'instant feedback' (which has slipped through the 'bubble' of the boys for the first time since the introduction of the printing press..... but, I digress.

We start out our in-depth look at the Pleasantville Posse with a snapshot > "It's Raining"

Like I said. A snapshot.

A picture IS worth a thousand words....

(Please Bookmark ~ I'll be updating once/twice a week, bringing info from past research and present happenings as they converge )

I am what I am

How to Win a Fight With a Conservative is the ultimate survival guide for political arguments

My Liberal Identity:

You are a Peace Patroller, also known as an anti-war liberal or neo-hippie. You believe in putting an end to American imperial conquest, stopping wars that have already been lost, and supporting our troops by bringing them home.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

"Hallelujah anna Opus Dei to ya, DC.."

"Aderholt alone has accepted seven trips from the group in the past four years, at a total value of $62,000. In 2006, Aderholt accepted three fellowship-funded trips — to Kazakhstan, Sudan and Serbia — worth a total of about $28,000.

Other Members who have accepted trips from the Fellowship Foundation are Rep. Mike Doyle (D-Pa.), who also lives at the C Street house, and Republican Reps. Frank Wolf (Va.), Joe Pitts (Pa.) and John Carter (Texas), according to House records. Sens. John Ensign (R-Nev.) and Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) each also accepted one trip from the foundation. Both Senators have lived at the C Street house."

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Jeb Bush Should Be Getting a Visit Soon ~~

When Jeb Bush was governor of Florida ~ he allowed thousands of felons obtain Mortgage Broker's licenses ~ it was sooo blatant and soo illegal, the Mortgage Brokers associations recoiled from it and launched it's own complaints to the government......

So, Eric Holder may be moseying on down to Florida for a little visit with Big Daddy (I mean GOVERNOR Jeb Bush)

A Bit More on Alex Jones

and Genesis Communications
(click on title for link to article)

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Biggest Danger to US as a Nation? "Onward Christian Soldiers"

"In their Friday, May 28th letter to the Pacific Palisades Democratic Club Joseph and Valerie Wilson wrote that Military Religious Freedom Foundation founder and head Mikey Weinstein has placed his life on the line in an ongoing campaign that has "almost single handedly" helped to blunt illegal and unconstitutional coercive evangelizing in the US military. Presumably that's why the influential and affluent Pacific Palisades Democratic Club of Santa Monica, California had offered Weinstein the club's Anne Froelich Political Courage Award, which in the past has gone to heavy hitters such as Ron Kovic, Phil Donahue, Daniel Ellsberg, and Joseph and Valerie Wilson.

But the club has just withdrawn its offer. The stated reason ? - Mikey Weinstein served in the first Reagan Administration. In response, in a gesture Hollywood can well understand, Valerie "Plame" Wilson and Joe Wilson are returning their Anne Froelich Political Courage to the Pacific Palisades Democratic Club - in an act of solidarity with their friend Mikey Weinstein.

Former US Ambassador Joe Wilson, who served in both the Clinton and George Bush Sr. Presidential Administrations, has recently joined Weinstein's MRFF Board of Directors.

Can Republicans exhibit "political courage"? According to Weinstein the club's decision to pull the award is ludicrous and offensive, and a "slap in the face" that appears to question the courage of fighting men and women in the US military, many of whom are Republicans, whose freedom of religion interests Weinstein's MRFF represents. The nonprofit Military Religious Freedom Foundation has worked with over 18,000 clients in the US military, states Weinstein, 96% of whom are Christian."

Rupert (Flexian) Murdoch Needs to be Banished from the United States

Rupert Murdoch

Rupert Murdoch incorporated News Corporation, Ltd. in South Australia in 1979. Since that time its Rupert has been it's CEO, Rupert has been building an international communications empire. The main activities of the corporation are newspaper printing and publishing, magazine printing and publishing, television broadcasting, film production and distribution, movie studio operations, and book publishing. This company is also associated with aircraft leasing companies, airline and passenger freight services, commercial printers, hotel and resort operators, news print manufacturers, other newspaper publishers, magazine printers and publishers, and satellite television broadcasters. Rupert Murdoch rules over an impressive array of companies. He has vertically integrated News Corporation, Ltd. - meaning his company owns media production, distribution, and promotion facilities.

Additionally, with News Corporation's connections to the travel and shipping industries, Murdoch has eliminated financial and international barriers to conducting business. His company is truly a Transnational Media Corporation. News Corporation has operations in Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Switzerland, Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Israel, Jersey, Bermuda, Singapore, Belgium, Germany, Italy, United States, Brazil, U.S. Virgin Islands, South Africa, Sweden, Kenya, United Kingdom, Austria, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Cuba, Argentina, Mexico, Portugal, Spain, France, Canada, Greece, Panama, Malaysia, Korea,Peru, Philippines, Puerto Rico, Trinidad, Japan, and Zambia.

With operations in every continent, Rupert Murdoch has considerable political power and influence. This company obviously holds no allegiance to a particular country or political system. It conducts business in many countries with radically different political systems and ideology.


Thursday, May 27, 2010

Murdoch is Glenn Beck's Boss ~ Who/What Else ?

"Last fall, when News Corporation owner Rupert Murdoch joined the board of directors at the Cato Institute, the announcement went unreported in major media. Perhaps it seemed routine for one of the world's most powerful media moguls to take a leadership post at one of the most influential think tanks in Washington.

At future meetings, Murdoch can count on rubbing elbows with his fellow media titan, John C. Malone--president and CEO of Tele-Communications Inc. (TCI), the largest U.S. cable operator--who has been on the Cato board since 1995. The two men are well acquainted, and their companies have long been intertwined in media deals involving satellite television, cable TV, program distribution and other big telecommunications ventures. Now the heads of both firms are formally helping to run a think tank which boasts that it has "actively promoted the deregulation of the television and telephone industries."

In recent years, the Cato Institute has neared the top tier of think tanks in the United States—on Capitol Hill and in the nation's news media. In the 1996 book No Mercy: How Conservative Think Tanks and Foundations Changed America's Social Agenda, Jean Stefancic and Richard Delgado write that the Cato Institute "played a key role in forming the ideas and policies of the new Republican majority in Congress." These days, "congressional committee chairmen increasingly look to Cato scholars for testimony.""

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

John D. Mazzuto: Wonder If He was SkullNBoner?

"Mazzuto and James W. Margulies – a Cleveland lawyer who was the company's finance chief and briefly succeeded Mazzuto as CEO – pleaded not guilty to grand larceny, scheming to defraud and other charges. Together, they're accused of stealing more than $60 million from the now-bankrupt company.

"This was the wholesale looting of a public company for greed and self-enrichment," District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance Jr. said.

Mazzuto's attorney didn't immediately return a call. Margulies' lawyer declined to comment outside court."

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

(U//FOUO) Rightwing Extremism

Something for Future Reference ~ you aint seen nothin' yet...

Monday, May 24, 2010

"Yes, Dear, They ARE Racists ~ and They Really Don't Care

Soooo much info, and sooo little time

"This is your "Chickens coming home to roost" after 40 years of the Southern Strategy. The party of Lincoln? Not anymore, they haven't been the party of Lincoln for a long, long time now.

White Supremacists and Neo Nazi's used to hide behind white sheets and hoods. Now they hide behind websites and Republican candidates such as David Duke, Derek Black, who is the son of Stormfront founder Don Black and who actually won a GOP election in Florida."

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Oh, That SLY Dick...Armey..N Teaparty..N..Fill In The Blank

One thing the right wing is known for is the ability to 'adapt' ~ kinda like a cancer ~ takes advantage of a 'weak' situation, acts like the 'host' to get embedded, then proceeds to eat them ~ and they like to play "Name that Acronym"

A LOT>> 

"Clarification to This Article
This article said that major financial backers of FreedomWorks, a Washington-based advocacy group, have included MetLife. MetLife contributed in the 1990s to Citizens for a Sound Economy, which merged with another group in 2004 and was renamed FreedomWorks. MetLife has not contributed to FreedomWorks, according to company spokesman Christopher Breslin." (click title for link to full article).

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Let's Start From Here ~ Unraveling BUSHCO, Inc

 There's a few times when serendipity hands you a moment that sums up many years of repetitive 'event happenings' that bring you always back to that peculiar 'crook in the road' . The event of Beck and FreedomWorks 'combining' is just such a 'crook' in that road, with a large sign "HERE IT IS"

I'll be 'back stepping' to show how "Back to the Future" that Republican Party wishes to go.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

"Just Who WAS in Charge When....."

"This story lays bare the far-reaching (and largely unnoticed) emasculation of government regulatory power, as it has succumbed to corporate agendas over the past several decades. Janines examines this, and other disturbing trends, in her book Shadow Elite.
And it's imperative that we dissect the modus operandi of BP, its elite hired guns, assorted patrons, and compromised, enfeebled regulators, to better spot their tactics being used across government, corporate America, and Wall Street. This pernicious M.O. could be detected in both the recent Upper Big Branch Mine disaster, the bank industry collapse and the bailout that followed. So we should ask ourselves not just "how did these catastrophes happen?" but also, "how do we spot the next one waiting to happen?" "

Thursday, May 06, 2010

Not Your Parents "Old Time Religion"

"Sarah Leslie is an author and researcher, a member of the board of directors of Discernment Ministries and also a member of the Discernment Research Group.
In response to the May Day event held this past Saturday at the Lincoln Memorial, Ingrid and Sarah brought to listener attention a movement known as the New Apostolic Reformation. This title was coined by C. Peter Wagner during the 1990’s.
Featuring teachers such as Dutch Sheets, Chuck Pierce, and false "prophetesses" Cindy Jacobs and Stacey Campbell, the New Apostolic Reformation is centered around a theology of dominionism. It teaches that Christians can take down demonic spirits in order to take back territories and institutions for Christ. The movement is post-millennial believing that Jesus will not return until Christians take over the 7 Mountains. These “mountains” are institutions like the media, entertainment, the economy, etc. In other words, their eschatology requires that instead of reaching people with the gospel one heart at a time, they believe they are to conquer the earth one demonic spirit at a time and make the earth perfect so that Jesus can return.
The program is an hour long and I strongly encourage you to listen to it because it is quite informative. "

Monday, April 26, 2010

Council for National Policy, Helms and the Pioneer Fund


Helms and the Pioneer Fund

The CNP connects to the eugenics movement through deceased Senator Jesse Helms. Helms was on the CNP Board of Governors in 1982 and was a member in 1984-1985, 1988, 1996, 1998, and 1999 ("The Council for National Policy: Selected Member Biographies," no pagination). Throughout his political career, Helms collaborated closely with two other CNP participants: Thomas Ellis and R.E. Carter-Wrenn (no pagination). In the 1980s, the three CNP participants teamed with Harry Weyher and Marion Parrott to form an elaborate, multimillion dollar network of corporations, political action committees, ad hoc groups, and foundations ("Race Science and the Pioneer Fund," no pagination). According to the Institute for the Study of Academic Racism, the network's leadership "especially, Harry Weyher, Thomas F. Ellis and Marion A. Parrott are part of an interlocking set of directorates and associates linking the Pioneer Fund to Jesse Helm's high-tech political machine" (no pagination). In the 1980s, Ellis' Coalition for Freedom, a component of the Jesse Helms political machine, received grants totaling $195,000 from the Pioneer Fund (Begos, no pagination).
What exactly is the Pioneer Fund? (click title for link to full article)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

"Let's Review" 1967 Prior to Coming Events...

CIA Analysis of the 1967 Arab-Israeli War

Getting It Right

David S. Robarge 

(click on title for link to site)

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Listen Up My Child, and You Shall Hear The Tale of the Kissinger

"Discovered in recent weeks by the National Security Archive, a non-profit research organization, the Sept. 16, 1976 cable is among tens of thousands of declassified State Department documents recently made available to the public.
In 1976, the South American nations of Chile, Argentina and Uruguay were engaged in a program of repression code-named Operation Condor that targeted those governments' political opponents throughout Latin America, Europe and even the United States.
Based on information from the CIA, the U.S. State Department became concerned that Condor included plans for political assassination around the world. The State Department drafted a plan to deliver a stern message to the three governments not to engage in such murders.
In the Sept. 16, 1976 cable, the topic of one paragraph is listed as "Operation Condor," preceded by the words "(KISSINGER, HENRY A.) SUBJECT: ACTIONS TAKEN." The cable states that "secretary declined to approve message to Montevideo" Uruguay "and has instructed that no further action be taken on this matter.""

Saturday, April 03, 2010

Now, Where were we?

Friday, April 02, 2010


This is what it is all about ~ the money and the power that money gives.

They have fooled US. 

Thursday, March 18, 2010



 I am so happy to see journalists starting to follow and track
Ahmed Chalabi. As I followed the trail of the Mayberry Mafia Branch of BUSHCO, Inc, this creature kept popping up in the most unusual areas.

"Indeed, Chalabi is far more than a jet-setting Energizer bunny. He is a prime example of what I call a "flexian", the movers and shakers of the shadow elite who glide across borders, and structure overlapping (and not fully revealed) roles in government, business, media, and think tanks to serve their own agendas. When players perform interdependent roles to serve their agendas, and when fundamental questions lack straight answers, we have likely encountered a flexian. Who is he? Who funds him? For whom does he work? Where, ultimately, does his allegiance lie? We never really knew, and still don't know, who Chalabi is.
Flexians thrive in the murky, ambiguous spots where state and private power meet. They bypass or undermine official rules, government, and bureaucracy; organizational loyalty; traditional authority; and professional expertise. And they brand their own version of the truth to suit their interests and those of their associates and fellow-believers." (click on title for full article)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Sinead O'Conner Was Right

This IS war. (click title to view)

Monday, March 15, 2010

Terror From the Right

From 1995 to 2009, this is a comprehensive list and extensive information on what is the real danger among U.S. today. (to access, click on title)

McCarthy, Redeux, 21st Century

 As I continue on my dot-connecting, it's always good to see what's past, how it's still present, and what the future holds for US :

"Eventually, America learned that the Wisconsin Republican's famous list was a fabrication, that he was a liar and a demagogue as well as an alcoholic -- and that his authoritarian appeals to fear were worse than useless in defending our security. But by then, McCarthyism's self-serving and fundamentally unpatriotic promoters had inflicted grave damage on the body politic and international prestige of the United States.
Today, McCarthy's heirs are more slick and glib than he ever was, yet their fundamental methods are the same. When Elizabeth Cheney, William Kristol and their media friends slander Justice Department attorneys as the "al-Qaida 7" and malign the "Department of Jihad," they are engaging in the smear tactics that became synonymous with McCarthy.
What is different now is the cynical hypocrisy of the new McCarthyites, who know that the flimsy accusations they level against Democrats in the Obama administration could just as easily be turned on Republicans who served President Bush."   "(click title for full article )

Saturday, March 13, 2010


.."Some of the cases involve people who are suspected of having mailed tens of thousands of dollars to themselves from Iraq, or of having stuffed the money into duffel bags and suitcases when leaving the country, the federal investigators said. In other cases, millions of dollars were moved through wire transfers. Suspects then used cash to buy BMWs, Humvees and expensive jewelry, or to pay off enormous casino debts.
Some suspects also tried to conceal foreign bank accounts in Ghana, Switzerland, the Netherlands and Britain, the investigators said, while in other cases, cash was simply found stacked in home safes." (for full article - click on title)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Lehman Brothers Holding Inc Chapter 11 Report

Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. Chapter 11 Proceedings Examiner’s Report

Jenner & Block is providing links to the Report of the Examiner in the Chapter 11 proceedings of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. The Examiner’s report is divided into nine volumes, which are reproduced below in individual Adobe Acrobat PDF files.
The Examiner in this matter was Anton R. Valukas, Chairman of Jenner & Block. Please direct any inquires regarding the below report to:

A Bit of RWNJ Background to Put US Today in Perspective

The Armageddon Plan

by James Mann  The Atlantic Monthly  March 2004

One of the questions studied in these exercises was what concrete steps a team might take to establish its credibility. What might be done to demonstrate to the American public, to U.S. allies, and to the Soviet leadership that "President" John Block or "President" Malcolm Baldrige was now running the country, and that he should be treated as the legitimate leader of the United States? One option was to have the new "President" order an American submarine up from the depths to the surface of the ocean—since the power to surface a submarine would be a clear sign that he was now in full control of U.S. military forces.

This standard—control of the military—is one of the tests the U.S. government uses in deciding whether to deal with a foreign leader after a coup d'état.
"One of the awkward questions we faced," one participant in the planning of the program explains, "was whether to reconstitute Congress after a nuclear attack. It was decided that no, it would be easier to operate without them."

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

GUESS WHO is the cog behind the wheel at FreedomWorks...

  • 19??-1990: Senior Economist for the Republican National Committee
  • 1990-1993: Director of Federal Budget Policy for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce
  • 1993-1996: Chief of Staff and House Budget Committee Associate for U.S. Representative Dan Miller (R-FL)
  • 1996-2004: Executive Vice President of CSE
  • 2004- : President CSE
  • (click on post title for answer)


We'll start with The New Hampshire Gazette's excellent database developed during the last presidential campaign.